Monday, March 2, 2009

my momma and the $85 mystery seed

I love my mom. she made me a super-special-stop-starving-and-barfing-on-gross-food-meal on saturday.

she spent thursday and friday researching and shopping and all day saturday cooking.

I felt human again...all on seven ingredients.

the menu included:
-organic gluten free roasted whole turkey (can you say leftovers?)
-mashed sweet potatoes with olive oil and sea salt
-baked apples and pears

and the piece de resistance...super yummy rice pudding.

it was like christmas (during which I couldn't eat any yummies), new years (during which I couldn't drink), valentine's day (no chocolate for me) and christmas again (what does a suki want? the gift of food) all rolled, baked, wrapped and stirred into one.

I think I gained five pounds and I don't give a surly rat's ass.

I just finished up my left-over turkey and will be done with the rice pudding in....(counting) three and a half bites.

how good to have a belly full on something that doesn't taste like horse piss.

amen, mother....


as for that mystery seed...apparently it snuck its way into our dishwasher's filter, causing Cap'n Ass Crack to come on out and "git 'er done."

$85 later he pulled up his pants (thank god) and produced the offending nougat. we can not for the life of us identify it.

I'm hoping it's of this planet and not some sort of pod thingy...

and that Cap'n 'Crack doesn't have to visit us, again, for a while.

it's rather unnerving when he knows my appliances so well that his first statement upon opening the cabinet is, "oh. I see you got a new garbage disposal."

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