Wednesday, October 29, 2008

dag nabbit!

I was there!

I was sooo close!!!

my uterus was acting wonkie, contracting up a storm, getting ready for the big event...

then I blew it.

I went ape-shit over the nursery (and everything else) starting stomping, moving furniture (mostly by throwing it), screamed a bit, cried a ton, almost puked and generally increased my adrenaline level 3,000 fold.

adrenaline = stoppage o' labor.

when I finally relaxed (about 5am)...the contractions came back (getting fierce this time)...

then I went super-demon, again and killed them.

are my hormones trying to tell me something???

or is it my psyche?

either way...homeboy STILL has a huge dome (getting bigger even as I type this), could turn breech again any minute...and must to be leaving the womb...

like now.

castor oil cocktail anyone?


KaliDurga said...

Breech isn't the end of the world. I was a breech baby delivered in the entrance of the emergency room and my momma forgave me.

Though this comment does, of course, come from the birthee's point of view, not that of the birther.

Good luck!

Suki said...

fortunately, I think he's head down TO STAY at this point, if not though...

the problem wouldn't be MY inability to birth him (although I'm guessing it is WAY easier from the birthEE'S perspective than it would be from mine! hahaha)...

but medical practitioners' unwillingness to let me try.

they won't do it in my state.

they don't trust our bodies, very much.

ass jockies, all of them.

Suki said...

fortunately, I think he's head down TO STAY at this point, if not though...

the problem wouldn't be MY inability to birth him (although I'm guessing it is WAY easier from the birthEE'S perspective than it would be from mine! hahaha)...

but medical practitioners' unwillingness to let me try.

they won't do it in my state.

they don't trust our bodies, very much.

ass jockies, all of them.