Friday, October 17, 2008


today's visit to the birth center bore bad news on two accounts.

firstly, my blood pressure is elevated. out of "normal" range on both attempts. its been steadily rising and has now necessitated some tests and peeing in a jug for 24 hours. I haven't had any other symptoms of pre-eclampsia (unless sleeping 13 hours a day counts) we're in watch mode only.

secondly, and this is the one that really sucks...junior is breech. at 37 weeks this is not the best of news. they want to schedule me for an external version (painful, not very effective procedure to try to turn the squirt)...making sure that they have the doctor available to perform an emergency c-section should the baby go into distress.

nope. not gonna let them do it.

I'm disappointed that malpractice suits have brought obstetrical care to this point. vaginal delivery of a breech baby is slightly more risky than a vertex sprout...but not cause for instant major surgery.

I read last night that delivering a breech baby is becoming a lost art. at least in this state. no care provider will do it. so unless I get this lil' booger turned...he's destined to be cut out of me.

...a far cry from the peaceful, gentle, loving home-birth we're preparing and planning for.

I'm petrified, but trying to control my fears to keep my blood pressure down and junior in peace. we're trying chiropractic, accupuncture, massage, posture and voodoo.

our first chiropractic treatment with Dr. Elizabeth yielded a whole lotta movement from the sprout...SOME of it in the right direction. she's confident she'll get him turned. 99% effective. I like her (she's a climber). I like her attitude.

since we've decided we're not going to let them manhandle me and the baby, we don't have the arbitrary deadline of tuesday to get him turned. assuming all stays acceptable with my blood pressure...

we might have a few more weeks to get his lil' butt in the right spot (which, in case you were NOT in my pelvis).

so for now...I'm spending alot of time trying not to worry or cry (unpossible) with my ass in the air...

reading up on nursing and bonding after c-sections.


Big Mike said...

Don't freak out just yet. 2 of our 3 were breach at 37 weeks. One was still breach at 41 weeks (don't ask). They all hit the floor head first.

You'll be fine.

Just start brushing up on Wiggles lyrics.

toot, toot
chugga, chugga
big red car

buddha's girl said...

My mom, being the Asian she is, had three C-sections cos all of her kids were gigantic compared to her hips. We all came out healthy and she has a small scar on her stomach, but that's it!

I hope it doesn't come down to that for you (no one in their right mind wants to be cut open), but it will be okay if it does. Just do what is best for you and your little booger-head.