Friday, November 9, 2007


it would appear that in my blind rage rush (I hate my ass. I really hate my ass) to get out of the house this morning...

I forgot my cell phone.

I also can't dial an outside number from my classroom line.

I can't check my web-mail from district computers (its only a matter of time before they block blogger on me, as well)...

and my carrier pigeon is out with the flu.

if you, dear reader, or anyone you know is trying to get in touch with me (a little to the left, please.)...

my bad.


Kim said...

yeah, thanks a lot...i wanted you to give me a ride to the hospital this morning, but you wouldn't answer.
Then I really needed a green tea latte, but I couldn't find you.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to figure out exactly where you want me to get in touch with you...but I thought I already figured that out this morning?

See you soon.