Thursday, May 31, 2007

your opinions, please

the hair...

it must to go.

some options include:

super short a la I'm-in-med-school-and-have-no-time...or I'm-a-climber-and-am-really-dirty-in-the-woods-all-summer:

or, slightly longer a la halle-berry-aint-got-nothing-on-me:

cast your votes. it goes down soon...


Suds said...

okay... hmmm... shot with the red hoodie is hawt. (even with the funny face) :)


oh, and by funny face I was referring to the fact you were scrunching yer face up for the pic, not that you have a funny face normally!

Kim said...

less is more in the summa-summatime

Frank Brigandi said...

I have always had long hair, excpet for the time I got bored and kept t clipped for about 2 years.. then I just stopped getting haircuts... I'm lazy.. I'm a fucking caveman, gimme a break..
I think girls with short hair are crazy silly hot, then again, I can;t take my eyes off of true euro trash genetics, a mane of wavy dark hair, sleepy eyes..
I think because of your build and stature, you would look great with short hair, but leave some around your forehead, your face shape of a diamond.. and just oush it back.. it'l look cool and tough and bitchin...

davidarmor said...

I personally prefer the Halle-Berry-climbs-on-me-all-summer-at-med-school-and-gets-downright-dirty-with-me look.