Wednesday, January 7, 2009


oqui's grandpa died.
the prof screamed for 14 hours.
I realized I've completely fucked my life. fucked it good.
and alligators chased me all night.


-I put on real clothing.
-am attempting to get out of the house
-am trying not to get too tweaked.

I'm not sure I can even go to the funeral because nobody on the planet would be able to tolerate the Professor's antics.

I've got tons of helpful and knowledgable aunts, but none of whom I would want to burden with six hours of blood curdling screams.

the kid won't take a bottle. he won't take a nap. and he won't shut the fuck up.

this has got to end soon.

one way or another *insert smiley picture of yet another bottlefed baby* must end.

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