Thursday, April 19, 2007

holy crotch shot(s).

this picture made me between gags.

apparently this is how Montrail views the female bouldering demographic.

as spread eagle, pubic mound showing, 'do the dew' chics.

I object.

I prefer my martini sans lactic acid. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


Frank Brigandi said...

How's the oneumonia coming along. I have down graded my status to, "horse voiced jackass whiner" from "self loathing conjested ninny"
I drank almost an entire bottle of Nyquil since tuesday evening. "Hello my name is Frank, and I have a problem...."

Suki said...

I'm feeling much better. thank you so much for asking!

glad to hear you're just a whiner these days...that would make us like...blood brothers or something.


gwadzilla said...

until you mentioned it
I did not notice the crotch shot