Saturday, June 14, 2008

I don't like today.

I wasn't a fan of yesterday, either.

I'm overwhelmed. this house. this clutter. these messes. the expenses. this fucking heat.

I'd say that I want the day off...but where does one go to escape "home."

I don't want this house. I've been dutifully busying myself trying to spruce it up, make it feel more livable...just to damn like the place, but the truth is...

I don't. it's a beautiful lil house...perfect. for someone else. I bought it at a different time in my life, with different goals.

now, it seems my only immediate goal on the planet is to rid myself of its burden...and I can't.

the real estate market is making my life...unpleasant. as are the gawdy plastic lawn ornaments of my neighbors. there's gotta be an ordinance against that.

there should be a law against making your house so ugly that noone will even consider buying on your block.

I'm thinking of having a yard sale next week for the sole purpose of paying someone to approach my neighbors...

and offer to buy all their pinwheels and shitty drooping annuals.

I. have. to. sell.

...and noone will even list it.

I feel like punching something...or stabbing oqui.

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