Monday, June 2, 2008

crazy with a squirt bottle

since climbing is proving to whoop my lilly white ass (over-hung reachy climbs can suck my pregnant titty)...

I've taken to "other pursuits."

like cleaning the shit outta my house.

the a'flowing. I've purged three rooms and a hallway closet so far, and am halfway through the sunroom and living room.

these rooms are hard. I've got 43,837 built in closets with approximately 987,349,272,270 old shitty books, magazines and pictures in them.

soooo...I've been having a bunch of nap-attacks on the couch while contemplating my strategy.

ie. I've made a mess and haven't cleaned it up, yet.

I scrubbed my uber white kitchen with a bajillion cabinets from (almost) top to bottom (you couldn't pay me to clean the tops of those cabinets off...oqui graffiti'ed a love note to me in the inches of dust). hand scrubbed the floor. cleaned the trashcans (yes. I did. I did)...

and washed the dog bowls for the first time in 3 years.

wouldn't it be ironic if they died from soap residue?

I'm shifting furniture and clearing energy.

if we can't sell this sumnabitch...

I might as well start liking living here, again.

ps. I chopped my hair off, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanna see new hair.
You better have picked up that old skool chalkboard.
I am with you on cleaning- it's NESTING and is adorable. I found myself on hands and knees muttering and scrubbing the fridge. Shelves, inside out. Whole place was immaculate. And the feng shui thing - believe it! My friend (accupuncturist) has her whole house done that way. It's interesting stuff.

Sorta on topic: Did you know that chipped cups/plates should be tossed? bad energy! And clothes that are worn out, in any disrepair should be mended or tossed. Never keep any purses on the floor of your closet(to 'respect' your hard earned money..) and finally...
never take the last piece of anything. For some reason.. bad feng shui.

I cannot put this book down. I 'll need flashcards to remember all this shit though.