Monday, June 8, 2009

2 cameras

13 hours of driving.
1 father - estranged for 33 years.
1 brother - didn't know he had him until a few weeks ago.
several weeks in the making...

4 pictures. all of them of the Prof trying to steal the car.

we're prolly gonna regret the lack of pictures later.

overall the road trip a la bebbe' to meet the "fam" went really well. no tears, no punches thrown and lots of playing with the baby. the only minor freak out was mine (shocker, I know)...when overwhelmed with a dozen psuedo-relatives pawing up my to a table of food I couldn't touch.

time out. reload. much better.

we saw some of the less savory parts of rhode island (most of it), stayed in an uber fancy hotel (house keeping. you wan' me fluff you pillow?), stopped in Newport on the way home and pretty much had a good weekend away.

nobody fell asleep at the wheel and the Prof cried less than an hour total over the course of 4 days...40 minutes of which occurred at one shot when we tried to get him to sleep in a playpen in the hotel.

he's an awesome baby. already back on normal schedule and napping happily away whilst I unpack and unwind.

oqui's brother and wife are great. climbers, mountain bikers, skiers, ice climbers, mountaineers. live in new mexico.

guess who's checking flights already?

we managed to squeeze a little climbing into the trip. once at an uptight, super soft indoor gym (I was throwing down 10's like it was my full time job) and once outside in the mosquito breeding grounds of Lincoln Woods. there was a creepy photog guy there snapping shots...if I find anything good on his website (ie. a picture in which my ass looks stellar)...I'll post it up.

so in the course of one weekend we managed to gain a brother and sister in law (and their psuedo stepdaughter who is the baby whisperer), a father and step-mother...and about 43 quasi siblings.

not too shabby...

just a little loud.

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