Tuesday, June 23, 2009

holy shit

people REALLY get into this whole wedding planning shit. so not my deal. I intentionally picked a date less than two months out so I can get it done, over with and look at the pictures when I'm feeling the need for a wedding fix.

seriously, I don't do details, and I'm not so good with stress (I function really well, but at the expense of the heads and necks of those around me)

there are about 40 bajillion bridal blogs out there.

women obsessed. its like they haven't gotten over the childhood wish to be princesses, fairies and daddy's little girl and are now acting it out on their poor fiance's.


fortunately for me...my mother is one of them and is doing all the legwork for this here shindig.

all I have to do is open my email several times a day and say yay or nay.

...we're getting alot of nays.

...and we're broke.

oh yeah. I still have a baby, am still getting ready for school, still hate my dogs and still want nothing more than to be rid of this house.

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