Wednesday, August 15, 2007

going, going...gah.

heading out for a climbing trip this afternoon. 8 hours of driving each way. six nights of camping. 5 days of climbing. two days of working. ten days away.

no biking to speak of. not that there aren't trails a'plenty...I just can't fit my bike in the car and don't have a riding partner :(

I'll be trying out my new spiffalicious zephyr rope, putting a hurting on oqui's gear...and probably be ready to come home the whole dang time.

I love new hampshire. I just wish it were closer to home.

have a ball ladies and gents...and wish me good climbing vibes.

see ya in about ten days.

1 comment:

Keith said...

May the climbing gods look upon you with favor as you scurry spiderlike up those craggy walls...