Monday, August 27, 2007

I'd like to suki size that, please.

today...was a good day.

it started out...not so good (fight with the hub. found out I can't sub for two or three months waiting for a shitey clearance. realized I have ZERO dollars to my name. had to come to terms with giving up the house...and discovered my "poisonous" rash had spread to cover 40% o' me body).

an overly caffeinated mug o' fresh goodness (earl green, I love you) later...and it was all uphill from there.

today I:

-called ginger about a job
-called krystal about several jobs
-called jocelyn about a job
-found 18 (count 'em...18 jobs I can apply for. one of which (parenting program for homeless moms) I even want)
-found my state and child abuse clearances
-registered with the state for an fbi clearance (or at least I THINK I did. their system sucks)
-cleaned the whole house (notice I say "cleaned" and not "organized" there is still a boatload to be done to sell this biznitch)
-got the listing contract
-weeded the yard
-walked the dogs
-verified with my doc that I do, indeed, have poison and not a syphilitic rash (who was worried? a rash on my crotch from peeing in the woods (or was it a public toilet seat to blame?) I wasn't worried...)
-made dinner
-baked muffins (how is NOT a good day when there is baking involved)
-visited my grandparents and dropped the bomb. my grandmother's response was "do you have a man? that'll make it easier. is it that guy I saw? good. he's really hot." go grandma.
-did NOT continue fighting with my mother
-spent some quality time with the kid and the mutts (I heart the afterschool gossip hour over cut apples and soy milk)
-folded some laundry
-and listened to n'sync b/c it was the only cd left in the house

minus the n'sync...the latter part of my day was probably one of the most satisfying, productive few hours I've experienced in months.

I love summer for what it is...lazy days. lots of travel. late nights. freedom, freedom and more freedom...

but I love the school year for the structure, family dinners, pumpkin baked goods and focus it brings me.

I usually suck at transitions. at the beginning of every other school year I always spent a week with a bottle of vodka mourning the loss of the company the kid provided all day long. now she's so independant that I saw her for breakfast, a late lunch and SOMETIMES dinner for the last 10 weeks. the hourly phone calls (mom, I'm at julie's. mom, I'm still at julie's. mom, we're having some cereal...and we're still at julie's) were nice...

but having her come home after school and actually SIT DOWN at the table with me...

now that shit is priceless.


Keith said...

Sounds like a nice, full, productive day... which is always better than, say, a productive cough.

Rashes do not equal fun.

Kim said...

yeah, but did you save me any muffins?