Wednesday, June 25, 2008

is it wrong?

that when a dude downtown checked me out today, then said to his friend, "man, I need me a girl like that!" I had to refrain from saying out loud: good luck with that?

that I spent money I don't have on things I don't need?

that I accidentally left the house (for 4 hours) with the front door wide open and the dogs uncrated?

that I convinced my neighbors not to find out the gender of their baby (I told them it was cheating)...and now opah and I have an appointment on the 9th to see the sprouts yunk?

that I haven't included one single source of protein in my diet today (and that I went 4 weeks without gaining any weight...and put on 3 pounds (of chocolate) last weekend)?

that there's work to be done...and I don't feel like doing it?

that I spent three hours on the phone today with a friend bashing (ex and current) sister-in-laws?

that I'm not looking for a job?

(did I mention that I don't feel like doing anything???)

that I mentioned in a conversation today "trust me. I know a thing or two about flings"?

yeah. it's wrong.


1 comment:

Big Mike said...

All those things you've listed...

sounds a lot like you're pregnant.