Monday, August 27, 2007

once again

I've deleted an entire angrily written post.

I will sum it up, however:

-I called my mother's husband a bunch of names
-used the word "fuck" alot
-reiterated the screaming match with her last night
-told them both to kiss my ass

then decided it was too much. went too far...

and deleted it.

since I'm still a little bit saucy and very much hurt...

I will allow myself just this one jab, however:

your mommas.


Keith said...


It's said that "Discretion is the better part of valor", so my guess is that the deletion was a good move... altho' I do love a post with ten or a hundred "fuck"s in it.

I was playing around with a random-band-name generator and at one point it suggested Your Mama and the Papas.

For fun and profit:

samantha said...

you should get an lj account. You can block who reads each post. You can make some posts only read by you.
I find it very helpful.