Thursday, May 1, 2008

my hormones

can go pack sand.

I hate ALMOST everyone today.

good thing I'm not working.

(don't EVEN get me started about the last in a series of viruses I caught from my little dolls at work. NO TREATMENT. self-limiting. NO OPTIONS. I am going to have a 'dermatological condition' for the next 6-18 months (potentially longer since I have a pregnant, compromised immune system) and look like a fucking leper. did I mention NO TREATMENT??? or the little pussy, rashy scabby fucker who sneezed on my lip last week? wonder what ailment that nets me??? what was I saying? oh yeah...I hate almost everyone)

bad thing we can't afford to either sell OR live here. the realtor(s) last night told me with deeply sympathetic looks that I can't even dream about getting $200k for this house (having NOTHING AT ALL to do with my neighbors' front yard looking like a fucking carnival display)

fucking awesome.

so...if anyone has a spare room and wouldn't mind blood stains on your carpet (I'm serious about this stabbing thing)...

hook a suki up.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Will take boarders in exchange for Diablo-care...I mean, childcare