Tuesday, May 13, 2008

summer camp!

this is the year.

it's gonna happen.

the kid is going to summer camp.

this decreases the possibility that she'll be hanging out all day with hoodlums and start smoking the whacky weed.

I've got three weeks in mind.

two weeks in July for a late-night and adventure camp...and one week in June for Iron Chef.

I'm a little scared about the prospect of her coming home and cooking earthworms...

but, shit.

we gotta eat, right?

I'm telling ya. I'm not gonna wimp out this time.

I mean it.

she's going.

for real.


Suki said...

(pre)registered for two weeks.

I think its gonna happen.

Oak said...

Summer camp is where kids learn to roll their first joints and get to second base.

No, it wasn't just me, for verification please watch Meatballs.