Friday, October 3, 2008

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

I'm cranky.

I've been patient all day as people have been traipsing in and out of the house telling me how many internal organs its going to cost to replace the furnace, but now I'm done.

no more stress for me today, thanks.

the only person who HASN'T come over is the alarm guy.

I'm really looking forward to our 4am "session" know, the one where the alarm goes off for no known reason and scares the shit out of us for hours.

I have no milk.
I have no heat.
I have no bed and bedding for this baby...or even a room to put it in.
I have no desire to bathe (and I really need to).
and my back hurts...

really really hurts.

fuck this house. fuck the 'burbs. and fuck every heating contractor on the planet...

I'm so over this place.

ouch. bitch. moan. grumble. gretz. fuss.

I want some brownies, dammit!!!


Oak said...

Take a bath
I'll get milk
We just bought bedding.

Maybe I can donate that extra testicle.

Wherz your peace bubbles at?

Kristibelle said...

Hey Suki, just wanted to let you know that I check your blog every so often to see how you are and I'm wishing you and fam all the best. It sounds like things are getting really close.

I wish there was a way that I could invite you to mine--it's private mpe due to a lot of poo in my worklife.

Hope you're toasty warm soon. If could send you some of our 85 degree high afternoons, I would.

Big Mike said...

Eat 'til you puke. It works for me a couple of times most weeks. then again I haven't seen my abs since 1991.