Sunday, December 30, 2007

43 hours without food

while I vowed that two trips to the ER was my limit for the year...

december 28th begged to differ.

food poisoning.

sick as a dog. miserable. fit to be tied...

I wanted to die.

then they gave me drugs and fluids and I settled for 18 hours of harangued naps.

on the upside:
-the IV took on the 5th try at the 3rd site

-you can have as many doses of anti-emetics as you require (I had 8)

-there was a crazy guy with armed guards RIIIIGHT next door who insisted he was going to "get his homies and shoot you all...not in the leg. not in the, no, my friends. I'm going to shoot you all IN THE FACE! IN THE FACE! IN THE FACE!" He also implored them to "RELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE HIM!" about 42 billion times

-the puking stopped

-diarrhea isn't as bad as puking (no matter how many pairs of panties you have to sacrifice in the process)

-apple juice agree(d) with me. I had 6 cups during my stay (no WONDER I got teh poopies)

-nobody else got sick

-I still had 3 more days of health insurance

so while I found myself hacking up stomach acid and seeing least I won't get a ten thousand dollar bill for them keeping me alive.

now, if you'll excuse me.

I'm going to nap.

ps. kim insists it wasn't her cookie dough...I'm not so sure.


Kim said...

Well, I still have the same eggs & butter...I suppose I could mix up a batch & proceed to eat, oh six cookies worth of raw dough & call you in the morning ;)

I'll take the heat.
Next time we will Ride, not Bake.

Suki said...

it's still your fault.

SOMEONE should've had the good sense to stop me.

I joke. I joke. I kid. I kid.

it was the W Family Restaurant. bastards...

they're sending my kid to college for this. I vow it.

Anonymous said...

"look at me" "look at ME!"

"I no shoot you in the leg, no...I no shoot you in the head..."

"I have to pee!! Please release me!"

At least we had entertainment while you hacked up innards.