Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I totally got caught reeming out the kids today.

I was ten minutes from freedom with this particular bunch when one of them casually mentioned that they're this bad all the time.

oh. no. they. didn't.

these kids habitually show up without pencils, homework, text books or a single solitary desire to learn.

so I let them have it. I tore into them about respect, responsibility, motivation, behavior (I called them babboons, I think), outlined in furious detail proper classroom etiquette, told them to prepare themselves for a 4 page essay on what they want to be when they grow up...

and how they intend to get there.

they were shell-shocked and dumbstruck.


noone has ever expected ANYthing from them.

needless to say the VP was stationed directly outside of my door during the entire tyrade. I heard only this from her, "I know. I heard."

I adamantly defended my rant. they deserve nothing less than TO BE SHOWN that someone expects them to perform.

I think the vice principal agreed with me...

or maybe she just wasn't the one to tell me not to come back tomorrow.

either way...I got to yell. they got told off.

I win.

1 comment:

Liz Schleeper said...

I also teach. The yell is a tool I have learned not to use. But it can be effective depending on the source. It just does not work for me. Now the lecture part does, as it appears the yell was combined with. I find that if even one listens to the "how to get where you want" lecture it is a success.