Thursday, December 27, 2007

oh, hell. I almost forgot.

I also spent four hours in a beauty salon torture chair getting my hair did.

they biffed it.

they biffed it reeeal bad.

it was colored three times. toned twice. and highlighted twice.

it's STILL strawberry shortcake red (for my younger readers...(god, I HOPE I don't have any younger readers...) think Ginger spice).

my scalp was burned to oblivion and I now have dandruff flakes the size of fingernails.

all this...

and I got to spend a hundred bones on it.

I'll be making an appointment for corrective color as soon as my scalp heals (thank jehosephat I don't work until next week)...

then sending those bitches the bill.

I'd like to provide photographic evidence, but we've yet to replace the digital I lost in "the settlement"...and besides...

I'm not sure I'd post it anyway. I have a certain image to maintain here (bad ass internet potty mouth)...

and quite frankly, the strawberry shortcake, punky brewster, pippy longstockings look...

not nearly as badass as teh Suki.


Kim said...

the hair? yeah, it is that bad.

Kim said...

you're not going to believe this...
my hair appointment last night?
haircut...well, it's an "un-haircut" cause I'm growin it out...that's fine.
the color?
I hate it.
hate it...I am going shopping for the most abrasive, strip-worthy shampoo today.
or maybe perhaps polmolive.
or denatured alcohol.
I never thought I'd say this, but I would rather be strawberry shortcake.

Suki said...


they say it strips the color like nobody's business.

I'm not able to speak from personal experience...being that I'm allergic to it and whatnot...

and I kinda like my eyes.