Friday, December 7, 2007

wwwwwwwwwwell, ok.

I just logged into myspace for the first time in a few weeks and got a VERY nasty hate e-mail from the ex's brother.

calling me an awful person. telling my bitch ass that he's glad his brother isn't with me anymore, to sell the house that his brother paid for...that I'm living in with my new that he doesn't HAVE TO come down here to get his brother's stuff.

then asking me if anyone really wanted him to come down here...

and daring me to fucking respond.


I did.

I wished he and his family well...sincerely...and told him that I cried when I heard that his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and is going to lose her beautiful hair.

I wished them strength and calm in the months (years?) to come.

seriously, dude...relax.

you don't have to like me. I don't have to like you. and FORTUNATELY for everyone involved...

we never have to see each other again.

amen. good-night. hallelujah.

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