Saturday, July 19, 2008


my bleeding episode of thursday night carried into friday morning...and friday afternoon...and early friday evening...

when I started having contractions.

a trip to the ER. hooked up to monitors for a few hours. every test known to man completed.

no idea why I'm contracting every three minutes...or why my cervix seems to be ignoring it (hallelujah for that).

I'm tired. I'm achey (very)...

but I'm still pregnant and the sprout is in no immediate danger.

my discharge instructions included:

-lying down should I feel contractions any more severe than the ones both my cervix and I seem to be forced to endure for the next 4 months

and (among others, but this is my favorite):
-pelvic rest.

what, praytell, is pelvic rest?

if that means no sex...

we're in deep shit.


Chris Mayhew said...

Maybe it just means your pelvis shouldn't do any house work?

samantha said...

all that laying down with no sex? Not even by yourself sex??? that's just inhumane.

Oak said...

I don't know who you are Chris, nor where you live...but if you should ever suggest that Suki shouldn't be slaving away at the house work and cooking again...well nevermind, you're probably right...and besides, if she's not doing that, maybe it'll be enough rest to allow for a romp or two....

Both glad that the monitors say everything is okay...although it is of no help with the aches and pains associated with it.
