Thursday, July 31, 2008

not saying any names...but...

I work with a goofball.

she's utterly harmless, well intentioned and only moderately incompetent...

but, she's just...weird.

our boss once described her as "having alot of frenetic energy." She flutters her eyelids (exacerbated by the blue eyeshadow) and waves her hands in little semi-circles while she talks. However, she also has an equally annoying sloth mode, during which her entire face droops and she semi-drools while processing for 45 seconds before responding.

she's also a bit of a slob (somehow I became the caretaker and organizer of our travelling supplies. imagine the bunch of lazy slugs I must work with...), in love with jesus, and dealing with some pretty-annoying-to-hear-about-first-thing-every-morning-personal situations...of her own making.

I'm not saying I dislike her...

ok, maybe I am.

but my real goal for today is to put it out there...then promptly leave it alone.

working with 3-4 other women for the last few weeks has made me extremely catty. its kinda fun talking a little shit and working up a gossip strategy a la survivor island...but I'm finding I really suck at it...

and will probably end up in hot water...or just hurting someone's feelings.

my attempts at strategy involve nothing more than waiting til she barely outside of the room before shuttering and blurting out, "oh THANK GOD she's outta here...she was REALLY irking me."

whoops. I didn't really say that OUT LOUD, did I?

yeah, bitch. you did. now quit yer nitpicking and leave the poor half ree alone.'s out there. I think she's mostly retarded...

and now I'm gonna try to leave it alone.


1 comment:

Big Mike said...

There's one in every staff room.

There's a song I sing when I'm trying to make the stupid people go away.

It goes like this...
Put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, rock backwards and forwards and sing after me:

La, la, la, not listening.
[repeat continually until the person goes away]