Monday, November 26, 2007

I yelled at her

she had it coming.

I think because we've always had such a close relationship. because I've always seen her as such a source of entertainment and joy. because she's rounding the corner of young adulthood...and I've been tip-toeing the discipline line, so as not to become yet another despised parent of a big-headed, hormone bloated teenager...

that I've dropped the ball a bit lately.

I've been too soft on her, so today I yelled at her.

she was being whiny, self-indulgent, non-cooperative and a general purpose pain in the ass. she's been playing the attractive and charming card and wimping out on any real responsibility. she charmed her way through grade school (had 'em eating out o' her hand, she did)...and is attempting to employ the same tactics now.

sans success.

yeah, she had it coming.

I've been really pushing her to read. expand her horizons. electronic devices and rap music irk me to high heaven after 3.67 seconds and I'm BOUND AND DETERMINED to get her to turn them off. (Not to mention college, SAT's, being able to speak intelligently and ultimately finding a productive and enjoyable place in this world)...

and read.

today, I gave her the option of two different books, both of which I read (and loved) at her age...and she snubbed her nose at both. made excuses. lolly gagged. rationalized. and actually CRIED because I told her to get the hell off the computer and read.

then I yelled at her.

if she insisted one more goddamn time that "we should do something fun since its my last day of vacation"...I was going to cut her hair off.

instead, I yelled at her.

I told her that life is not one big ol' party. you don't ALWAYS get to play. you don't ALWAYS get to choose your activity. and it isn't always (loud or) fun.

she sulked. I fumed.

she's been tippy toeing her way down the lazy, indulged, incapable path for the better of two months now...all without me taking any serious assertive action. I was going to let her self-regulate...

but whiny, entitled children grow into....

well...whiny entitled adults.

not on my watch.

she had it coming...really.


Liz Schleeper said...

Sounds like good parenting going on round there. Love the past 3 posts also.

Darling And So Charming said...

Such a Leo mama:)

Mine will be born in a few weeks and I'm already dreading this entry into young adulthood. Years ahead. I told Brian I will probably be stuck playing 'bad cop' too. But it's worth it. You at least show her you are paying attention to what she is doing so that's huge.