Wednesday, November 7, 2007

some just isn't worth it.

yesterday I was kicked, bitten and spit on by a (let's face it....crazy as a shit house rat) 3 year old. he called me a dirty fish bitch. nice one.

his mother sat and did nothing.

I didn't hit him.

then there're my two doozies in the classroom.

several 3 page notes home about my male harbinger of doom netted me a 90 minute phone call with mom last night...

and the same fucking behavior today.


my little angel female star student is proving to be somewhat more of a problem for me.

this one...accused me of kicking her. mom came to school with her earrings already off...ready to fight. fortunately, the vp had my back and psuedo-diffused the situation.

I left mom a phone message (no response. hmmm...) and spoke to vp, guidance counselor, jesus mary and joseph about it. the initial thought was that I'm in the clear...

then she started drawing me.

wolves, sharks, ghosts and ghouls all ripping my soul out.

she called me a dog. a bitch. a fish (?) and drew lions chasing me.

on a good day she'll draw me 15 0r or two of them good (the lions won't be eating me...just chasing me with smiles on their faces).

on a bad day her entire journal is filled with "Miss Suki suxorz teh anus" type messages.

this one needs help.

a gazillion teachers have offered to back me on all counts. the fact that I didn't kick her (hard enough). the fact that she's disruptive...

and the fact that she's fucking crazy.

there are too many of them like this.

I'm not sure I can help.

I'm tired of being abused.

I wanna go home.


Anonymous said...

The thought kill them...with kindness enters my thoughts. I found myself in a situation at my office, which had me contemplating homicide prior to or immediately following my decision to quit, yet a very smart person told me to persevere and keep a positive mental outlook. It works, Karma and attitude are a direct reflection of personal actions and behaviors. You can do it Suki-wan-kenobe. The force is strong in you. And if it isn't kick the m-er f-er in the shins and run.

Frank Brigandi said...

there's always child services....
there's always someone to blame (you)
there's always some other reason for their child negative behavior and it;s never the parents.
There's always somedisgucting parent filling a childs mind with hatred, anddisplaying negativity in front of themin regard to another person.... hence the lions eating you pictures.
It's parents like hers that keep the ghetto culture alive.
Take that same child put her in a home that is loving supportive and encouraging....different kid.....

Suki said...

did I mention its forteenty thousand degrees in here?

maybe that's why hell is spawning.


I'm out, bitches.

Darling And So Charming said...

Uh, what lucifer-thing said.

But I can't believe these kids are that bad. I thought paper airplanes, spit balls and shit like that. But this? Likely Axis ll personality disorders? That's immense. Of course the parents have everything to do with fostering this behavior. I'm glad people at work are supporting you at least.

Your job is not easy. It takes more than just skill but tenacity to handle this brand of vile. I know you're tough enough, but that is probably cold comfort when you have days like that. As long as you decide to stick it out there, you've touched some of the students for the better whether you know it or not.

PS- What is this fish fascination with the kids? Jesus!

And this part:

"on a good day she'll draw me 15 0r or two of them good (the lions won't be eating me...just chasing me with smiles on their faces)."

Made me laugh so hard. I know it is not funny per se but again your talent in storytelling...:)

Kim said...

A 3 year old scratched my face with her filthy nails & called me the C word (I kid you not)...when I summoned the director for help/support, she said, "Have you tried the high chair?"
"Um...excuse me?"
"The high chair, restrain her in the high chair."
I stood there, helpless...she continued, "It's okay...her mom does that at home."
No, I didn't put the little f***er in the high chair (so, that's what that's for?)
I rubbed her back lovingly at nap time and took an extra bong hit that night.
After a few beers.
And a king sized 3 Musketeers.

Then I took the summer off and babysat two bratty kids down the street.

Then I taught Montessori school for two thankless years.

then I learned how to become an orthodontic assistant and made a shitload of money, working a 4 day workweek.

And, goddamn if I didn't miss those kids.
Especially the difficult ones.