Monday, January 26, 2009

sissy baby chicken


I dropped the Professor off at my Grandmother's with the guarantee, "I'll get him to take it. Just bring him over!"

he's broken many a-spirit. chewed up and spit out anyone who's gotten near him with a baba.

'til gramma. she got him to take about 4 ounces over the course of two hours...

but at a cost.

he was well beyond upset. looked a little defeated when I got there. shaky. shifty. generally untrusting.

my mom came down tonight with the same get him to take a bottle...until I refused. I just can't do it to my baby.

I googled "weaning and" and before I could finish my thought, google's populated list caught my eye.

over half a million sites dealing with "weaning and...depression" no shit. I'm depressed already.

because I'm not ready. thus and therefore I made a trip to the health food store for baby probiotics, a good vitamin for me...and every rice based product they stock.

this sucks.

why can't I just feed myself AND my baby?

1 comment:

Oak said...

You needed a reprieve. He's a needy little guy, that's for sure. And when you sit with him for 24 hours a day, every day of the week, it'll surely bring you to the point you reached yesterday.

He's taking bottles, albeit from 'strangers', but it is a step towards some relief.