Sunday, February 10, 2008

if you think my blog is dirty...

I'm worse in person.

I spent the majority of the weekend in stretchy pants. all bets are off when you squeeze an ass like mine into stretchy pants. the sheer I-don't-give-a-fuck-edness required for me to pull THAT off invariably leads to bad...

bad things.

add to that the fact that the 'pah and I spent 37 of the 48 weekend hours fornicating (re: humping like high schoolers)...

and well...

I did bad (bad) things.

after putting a good spit shine on the nonny, we decided that at some point this afternoon...leaving the bed might not be a bad idea.

thusly, we hauled our afterglowing asses to the gym to climb. lacking in strength, we made up for it with vulgarity.

I got caught uttering a few of the following (mostly while belaying):

-(sings ba wit da ba) I'm 3 feet tall with a 6 foot dick!
-you're right. it might be should probably stop licking my ass.
-no. I do that on purpose. its fun watching him try to climb with a boner.
-dag. we need to stop having sex. seriously. I'm dying here.
-it's ok. I'm his sister (<---confession: that one was stolen)
-(sings again) cock. ding-a-ling balls and ass...

one of the (younger) dudes we see there pretty often (ie. they see me cussing up a storm and grabbing his junk on a regular basis) said to his girlfriend tonight...

they're my fucking heroes.

I didn't HEAR him say it...but knew it was implied he wishes that they can hump as much as we do when they're OUR age.

ha! good luck, whipper snapper!

I skipped with all the enthusiasm of a five year olf with an ice cream cone. but seriously...we should probably stop having so much sex. I AM dying here...


Darling And So Charming said...

Just drink lots of cranberry juice. UTIs and shit.

Glad someone is getting laid. Right now with a 7 week old it is the last thing goin on in this house.


Anonymous said...

Cranberry juice is the devil!

Sweet-p, you need a sitter? We could use a time out.


Kevin said...

If something is good, (and humping is good) it should be done in excess!!!

Darling And So Charming said...

I'll scrape some change together to fly you two out to Austin to sit for us. I mean it's not appropriate for us to take the little guy to a bar, right? That's ghetto!

Suki you guys have a standing invite to come visit us anytime. For serious!