Thursday, June 28, 2007

my mom read my blog (and other news)

I get a phone call this evening.


why you little ungrateful sack of *insert string of suki's momma's sayings here*

so I told her to create an account and retaliate.

look out, peeps. my momma's coming...and is she is CUR-RAZY. (quite obviously. normal folk don't go raising kids like me).

in other news I wanted to kill the husband fifteen thousand and seventy-three times today...until we shut the windows and doors and turned the ac on (and went to wendy's. I should tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the rootbeer/vanilla frosty float...err, truth.)

friendly advice:

if you have a significant other...and want to retain them...never ever ever. ever. never. (ever) attempt to work together on a home-improvement project. when its hot. we were stripping the old wallpaper off the studio walls...because of the sanding and dust we turned off the ac and opened up the balcony door and studio windows.

instant oppression.

within thirty-four POINT six seconds I threw a marker at his head...only b/c I couldn't reach the screwdriver.

he's a lucky man. I'm a pretty good shot.

needless to say...he's now in there (and has been for several hours) all by himself repapering the joint. only fair. after all, he earlier told me "it's MY room. MY room. if you don't like it, you can get out."

yeah. I almost became a fairly wealthy widow today.

I'll go back in a few, help him tear and crinkle and maybe bring him a cup o' tea...

cause the air conditioners back on...

and I kinda like him a little bit, again.


Suds said...

We vowed to never put wallpaper on the walls for exactly that reason... it can be very frustrating to deal with. (and I'm sure my wife nearly ended me last time we did the wallpaper thing)

Congrats on not makin' yerself a widow. :)

Keith said...

So, for the next home improvement project, will you kids be adding on an addition to house your titanic ass? Maybe you can use it to knock out a wall... ;-)

Keith said...


Back dat ass up!

Suki said...

you's a big fine woman...