Monday, June 25, 2007

today I:

-applied for three jobs. one I don't want. one I know I won't get and another that's a whopping six hours a week.
-fought with Cingular (the NEW AT&T) for 38 minutes for a $92 credit
-got an email about the alaska gig. its still tentative
-chatted with the d-ray both on the phone and on-line (simultaneously?)
-got to round nine in chuzzles
-set a personal goal to bid on a minimum of one dozen items on e-bay this evening
-remembered that last night I heard a mother say to her small child "quiet! or I won't love you anymore"
-baked a slamming chili-cornbread casserole
-couldn't fit into my pants OR bra
-decided not to eat anymore casserole
-hit the rock gym to climb off some calories and boredom...only to find no super awesome cyclist peeps there :(
-passed three vehicles at one time...nearly shitting myself in the process
-remembered the car accident yesterday and slowed the fuck down
-saw noah, jerry and simon and didn't hug any of them (hmmmm...)
-renamed my dogs shit-for-brains and fuck-nuts (they were previously dumbfuck and ass breath)
-got a message from the hub stating, "hi. it's mark" I couldn't tell
-played the same song on repeat for 42 minutes before I realized it
-watered the plants (<----big deal. very big deal. I was quickly approaching a plant disposal crisis)
-missed the kid like crazy.

six more days of her "week at daddy's" to go...

anyone wanna make sucky crafts, watch stupid movies and argue non-stop with me?


Buddy said...

We may be at the gym on Wednesday, and definitely on Saturday.

Peace Out

Buddy said...

We will be returning to the gym on wednesday and saturday.

Peace out

forty f15teen said...

if it makes you feel better, i probably couldn't fit into your pants or bra either.

Suki said...

well, of course not!!!

I'm married.