Wednesday, February 13, 2008

how 'bout that weather, eh?

pennsylvania winters are frustrating and disappointing (to put it in mild mannered ever so un-suki-like terms) with their recent insistence on LIQUID precipitations versus the frozen variety.

that is, quite surprisingly, where my complaining ends, however. why you ask? cause everyone, as eager for the white stuff as I am, but for different reasons (I think they just want a reason to stock up on milk and canned goods) freaks out and gives me a day off...

to ski!

I busted outta pre-prison (I had the chair throwing, escape artist, emotional support freaks again yesterday) around 1 o' da clock yesterday and came home with one thing...

and one thing only on my mind.

I'm going skiing!

by the time I located skis, gloves, pants, jacket, underlayers, the kid, the man, 3 dollars and the ski was already after 7, but never you mind that, cause...

I went skiing! (did I mention that I went skiing yesterday?)

i was only a teeny eensy little surprise that the last lift ticket on my ski pants was dated March 3, 2004. holy fuck. it had been FOUR ENTIRE years since I last skied.

no wonder I was bitchy.

last night, though...I was too excited about going to realize that I was shit scared of actually SKIING. we rolled up on the lift line and I almost chickened out. do I remember how to do this? how do I get off the lift? will I survive? what is that pesky inch on my left inner thigh?

one run. I remembered.

god damn I love that shit.

my form was a wee bit sloppy, but for the life of me...I'm not sure that the four year hiatus had anything to do with that. I'm pretty sure I was only mediocre when I stopped skiing...and was probably as good last night as ever before.

I scrub speed like its my job. the 'pah tucks, hits a straight line and jumps anything in his way, while I granny my way down slicing nice WIIIDE turns across the slopes and occasionally (only very occasionally, mind you) letting a little air get under my sticks.

ha. kinda like we ride.

did I mention that I FINALLY went skiing????

the conditions were precisely what you could expect during a pennsyltucky ice storm. chatter (oooh, how I love that sound), frozen goggles, ice three inches thick on our hats, and crunchy beards (<---his. not mine).

we came in looking like arctic explorers. it felt fucking fantabulous. at one point during our laboriously slow lift ride I looked over at the 'pah and said, "damn. its brutal out here. I guess we must be pretty bad ass, huh?"

his response was glorious in its simplicity (maybe because his frozen beard was too tight):

"no. we're stupid."

agreed, but at least we finally FINALLY got to go skiing together.

due to the sucky weather and her having outgrown ALL of her cold weather gear, the kid spent her time dodging the advances of 16 year old penises in the lodge (I punched one of them. only 20% playing) and caffeinating. she almost puked and fell asleep in the car on the way home...

only to ask us first thing this morning, "can we go skiing, again???"

yes, sweetpea.

we most certainly can.


Anonymous said...

As a man...with testes...I can honestly say I hate us (men). Pubescent little D-bag is lucky he wasn't caught by me.

The attraction to young ladies okay, understood. The lack of respect, completely unacceptable.

Did you still want that cheesesteak?

gwadzilla said...

headed to West VA tonight for some fun in the snow

think light and fluffy!