Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm sick.

the plan was to chub up, get some "schlepp on my bones" (yes, I'm Pennsylvania Dutch) and quit it with the minor, yet irritating health issues.

no go.

I'm fat and still have had killer headaches for a week, waking up able only to whisper and squeak today (there are those who would have found this not only palatable, but advantageous, I'm sure.) sooo..

I guess I'm sick, again.

I took the day off and am giving this one its 20 hours of respect...then telling it to lick my anus (and not in a good way). then I'm changing just about every aspect of my diet. I'll start with a nice, organic juice fast to clear the lingering demons.

then I'll reintroduce raw foods...

and if all goes well, I'll stay there. (think "paleolithic diet" minus the cooking part)

because for a "healthy" person...I'm always fucking sick. my liver doth fight back, me thinks.

either way...I've got loads of plans for this year, none of them involving me being laid up in bed with blood butt, a runny nose, or migraine as being central to their theme.

this is the year it stops. i told the 'pah last night...I've got to make some changes before I REALLY get sick. I had enough scares last year to warrant a wake up call. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I guess. I kept being told to gain weight (WHY??? I'll never know)...

but instead I think I really need to focus of proper fueling and rest.

I've got climbing, riding, skiing and frolicking to do...and want to get considerably better at all of them in the very near future.

along the lines of getting healthier, in general, also comes the part where I ditch this house and lose my shitty job.

stress BE GONE!

this week alone I broke up four fights (one of which required me to put a lil focker in a full nelson), witnessed 14 chairs being thrown willy-nilly about the "classroom" (its more like a prison yard, if you ask me), had to chase down 3 runners (at least I got to sprint after their dumb asses), was called 1400 different permutations of "bitch," chased 40+ 4 year olds around (I'd rather break up fights), had the misfortune of "setting off" an EXTREMELY animated, precocious, flaming gay and irritable sixth grader...

and ate three poisonous school lunches.

no more, I tell ya.

when my contract is up...I'm outtie.

I'll live in a cubby hole, make six bucks an hour at a flower shop and FINALLY finally FINALLY be stress free and relaxed.



1 comment:

Darling And So Charming said...

A lot of people have been getting sick all over. WTF. Me included... and I never do. It makes me angry, like how dare you jack my plans! Water, lots, sleep and only fruits helped me beat this bitch. Get better.
And re: the 'blood butt' that still happening? Were you going to go back to the dr. soon? I thought yes? I hope you do... that is scary. Please take it seriously.
I also had no idea how u, violent that work environment could get. Verbal assault and headlocks? What.

Downsize everything as soon as you can. The stress maybe helped make you sick too. I will keep my fingers crossed for ya. And try that statue upside in the front yard thing to help sell the house.. I forget the saint now 'cuz I am a fallen Catholic. Either that or hot me up for some Feng Shui tips to help sell that thing soon as you can.

Hugs and shit,