Friday, February 8, 2008

mhd ftw!

screw it. I'm having a menstrual health day.

I climbed hard (and well) this week. cranked out some stiff 10's. worked some tricky moves. just felt good.

and now I hurt.

loving it.

(please bear with me, as I'm hormonally incapable of making any sense)...

ladies, please join me. I emplore you all to take the rest of the day off. we'll spark up the fire place, make some hot chocolate, brownies, mashed potatoes and chicken croquettes (I'm considering changing the title to "comfort food FOR THE WIN!).

then around 1 o'da'clock we'll head out to the Wilbur chocolate factory and watch mr. world renowned chocolate dude work his magic...and we'll eat more chocolate.

when we return from that we'll knit, scrapbook, drink wine spritzers, paint each others' nails and (for my male readers...) HAVE A GIGANTIC BIKINI PILLOW FIGHT.

any male who approaches will be shot on the spot.

...unless he's bringing more chocolate.


Anonymous said...

Don't be a hater, it doesn't fit you. (note to self, arrive at home in a chocolate suit).

Kim said...

I am so have no idea.
I want to eat my weight in Wilbur chocolate buds.

Darling And So Charming said...

"we'll knit, scrapbook, drink wine spritzers and paint each others' nails."

Suburbia comin' at ya! Make that rose wine spritzers..

What, no pillow fights to titillate your male readers? Ha.

Suki said...

you're asbolutely right.

there should be a pillow fight.

I'll edit immediately.

Kevin said...

Thats funny, I hear it's "i don't care Friday"

You girls enjoy, and lemme know if I need to bring Lindt Chocolate Balls!

Suki said...

did someone say chocolate???


you may be onto something there, me thinks...

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit!...the first blogger that I have EVER identified with (not as a blogger, but as a recent blogger reader that is). Anyway, I immediately forwarded your link to two other like-minded profanity-appreciating girlfriends.

I am in a state of literary bliss, I have to become one of your regulars...