Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm baaaaaaack.

I bouldered for a total of three and half minutes today. it kicked my hiney hardcore, made me sweat like a chump, had my heart pounding like someone found my stash (of CHOCOLATE you gutter-heads) and felt oh. so. good.

after attempting to send a couple of the new problems (in denim capris, a baby-doll top, and someone else's shoes-it was a sneak attack. the wall just snuck right up on me), I fell out on a mat, took a little breather and thanked god my lungs didn't explode.

I can climb.


but its a start.

in other news I finally put that second coat of what-the-fiznuck-was-i-thinking green on the sunroom today. I was pretty whooped, coughin and a little I'm hoping it doesn't look like total ass in the morning...but would probably get a good laugh out of it if it did.

I mean, come's froot loop can it possibly look right? my poor little very traditionally styled house chock full of auction found antiques is getting a little worried. it saw the "americana" swatch I have picked out for the living room.

I'll bet dollars to pesos I wake up tomorrow and something's broken as a retaliatory strike.

I just hope it isn't the fridge.

t'would be a shame to lose the ketchup and mustard. at this point, they're the only thing left edible in the house.


Suki said...

I shit you not...

it was the dryer.

fixed TWICE in four days...broken again today.

I TOLD you...this house has ears. fortunately it was blessed with the best o' sugar hill gang 14 times on repeat tonight.

I said hip, hop. hippin to the hippin ya hip hip hop and you don't stop.

megA said...

I think I love you.

so glad you comment on the fattie's blog b/c now i get to read yours.

funny as fuck.

alliteration rules


Suki said...

personally...I prefer assonance.
