Saturday, April 21, 2007

republicans hate me

that was going to be my lil' subtitle-ma-jiggy initially. I just remembered that randomly this evening while scrubbing my kitchen cabinets. they're white. all of them. all 30 something-ish of them.

yeah, I hate republican political views....and white cabinetry.

today was a breakthrough day in bed-ridden-ness. I finally wasn't. I've been gradually increasing my activity level and spent all but the tiniest of sneak attack afternoon naps out of not only bed...but THE HOUSE today. go, me. go, me. go *cough* me.

I checked out a bit of that climbing comp I wanted to compete in today (I aint mad. what makes you think I'm mad?). It was crazy skilled youth climber central. these kids...three gazillion of them...rocked (ok, not rock...more like plastic holded?) out. they were knee high to a grasshopper (yes, I just said that. my god) and sending 1200+ pointers on lead. I looked around for any signs of a real live woman over the age of 18 who might've been in my division...and only managed to find two or so. and from what I saw of their climbs...

I'm really mad I got sick. if my physical *ouch my lungs hurt* and mental games were on-point...I'm thinking I would've done fairly well. and THAT is about as self-promoting as I'll get, here. I learned the humility lesson when asked "so what's your on-sight?"

I answered "in here? 11b-ish" then promptly gott beaten to a pulp by an 8. must've been an 8d, yo.

in non-climbing news (since I haven't done it for over a week)...I had one of McDonald's new southwest salads. while I've been a big fan of the wendy's southwest taco salad (it's not fast food if it has "salad" in the name)...I gotta give the Micky some credit for this little invention. it has an actual slice of lime in it. not just lime...they give you what appears to be grilled corn, as well. actual fruit and veggie action on your mound of ice-berg lettuce with a token spinach leaf.

they's'a trying. now if only it didn't come out of the drive-through window smelling like fry grease and have three interloping chocolate chip cookies tagging along (how'd THEY get in there???) might've made a fairly healthy meal. well...

if I didn't order the chicken crispy, that is.

whatev. leave me alone. deep fried processed chicken feet make me feel better. and you all want me to FEEL BETTER, right?

speaking of feel better...

I've still got one of those cookies hanging out here, somewhere...


Suki said...

no, you don't.

Cookie ate your cookie.

I hope the chocolate kills her...


Unknown said...

Where is that comp?

What I can onsight depends on the day, how I'm feeling, the setter, the gym, the weather, the rock, the stars, the belayer.

Dude, I avoid mcDs at all costs... because I am a SUCKER for mcnuggets. I love them.

Glad you are feeling better

danger monkey said...

I was surprised to read this. I was intered to see the comp too, just to see. But even more surprised for you to say there were almost no women. That sucks! I could go on and on about this as it annoys me so, but I won't bore you. But it still sucks.
oh and psst, McD's puts sugar in their salads.

Suki said...

the comp was at prg2 last saturday.

"Back to our Routes" and was almost exclusively youth groups. I'm glad to see the kids getting into it...but not afraid to admit how intimidating they are...not to mention their coaches and parents.


monkey, it wasn't just a lack of women...there was a distinct lack of grown men, too. the kids are taking over...and doing so with style, I might add.

as for mcdonald's.

1. I <3 the nuggets...and would probably be on the way to get some right now if I hadn't seen my legs in shorts this afternoon *shudder*

2. SUGAR IN THE SALADS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

...awesome :D