Monday, October 22, 2007


I'm moving there.

who else is in?

went to do some hardcore, elite, digging deep spectating this weekend.

had a ball.

I saw a cross race for the first time (ow. it looks like it hurts). saw wes and amy race for the first time. met sam and meg in person. hung with buddy and rachel. caught up with mark and the monkey. ran into dieter and did some grab-assing with rotten rob. (I'm not going to talk about me trying to fix the kids' race for my homeboy on the redline. nope. I'm not going to talk about that at all....)

the weather was amazing the scenery was gorgeous (dahling) and my usual...

fantastic. (KIDDING!!!! I have a ghetto booty and I think we all know it by now)

sam did some great work for HERA. the winner of the raffle, very graciously, donated their winnings back to the cause. good stuff.

meg said I was pretty (and looked surprised to do so). I told her she's an awful liar but made her hug me anyway.

wes forgot how to shift ;-)

rob's nipple tasted funny.

someone handed me a PBR.

rachel told Oqui the beard HAS TO GO! (and also pointed out the gray in it) we almost had to arm wrestle. that man's beard is teh hawtness.

amy rode hard and looked good doing it.

the monkey and faticus showed me how to scrum and cheer at the run-up (guess who taught what).

I counted 43 porn star mustaches...

and Kim and frank managed to elude me.

(they'll pay for that.)

besides a great time and a fun outing...I got one other thing from watching those races...

I went for a ride the next day, and rode my little heart out. I pretended I was racing. (I also pretended that I wouldn't be lapped 8 minutes in). I pedaled up hills I've never even considered before...

I did it in granny gear.

but I did it.

I think I'll go watch another race this weekend, too.


Anonymous said...

You kicked Ass yesterday, but then again, when don't you kick ass?

Kim said...

...maybe I don't even exist
the elusive
kimmy d

samantha said...

sorry I didn't hang too long. I was very distracted then I ended up with my first ever migraine. Yuck.

When we going climbing? huh? when?

megA said...


I wasn't surprised that you were pretty with a fantastic ass, but I was a little surprised at your teeny tinyness. your blog makes you look taller??

i think race photos make me look wider.

at least that's what i'm choosing to believe.


Suki said...

sam: we're going climbing ASAP, my niglet! my pahtnah's got a bum finger and I'm jonesing. JONESING, I say!!!

the quarry sunday, perhaps? we've got a pahhhtay sat night...but I don't really drink so I should be good to go.

meg: you want me. bad.

Frank Brigandi said...

After projectili-ing redbull oput of every hole in my face, I dnf'd about 3/4 of the way along my first fucking lap.....
then had an entire body cramp, saw, jesus mary and joseph who all laughed in unison at me lying on the groundcurled up in a ball paraying for satan to rescue from their ridicule.
then I met a nice pit bull who cleaned my face of the redbull puke remnantsthat my sleeve wasn;t able to polish of my face....
cut out around 12 to get over to the shop and unfortunately openfor a lackluster day at best..
Had Iknow the Suki was going, I'd have certainly brought the party with me for sure.
Ghetto booty? welcome to the jungle baby,I got one too, it's my millieu

samantha said...

Suki--- I'll be moving this weekend, but I'm off all next week.

Why is it 80+ degrees today? Why why why!