Monday, October 29, 2007

its cold.

I'm not complaining. merely making an observation...

and realizing it may be time for me to supply myself with some cold weather riding gear. I was zipping (yeah, I zipped. it rocked) down a hill yesterday with a brisk wind (right off the water, mind you) smacking me in the grill and I realized:

its cold.

at the tail end of the ride, sun slipping behind the purty treez and stuffz...chugging (yeah. I chugged) my way back up that monster hill, I realized something else:

fuck. its hot.

how doth one dress to ride in the winter?

as for my riding, recently...I'm still puking every other go (are you ok? are you SURE you're ok???), but am kicking some fucking tail on the climbs.

who'd'a thunk it? I can ride up hills.

you hear that, universe???

I hate it like the dickens (i REAALLLY hate it)...but I can do it. I can climb...

on my bike and not just with a rope.

I. can. climb.

in fact...I climb so well (by MY standards, mind you) that I'm going to reward myself...

with (you guessed it)...



Chris Mayhew said...

Man, that story was not nearly as naughty as I thought it was going to be.

Anyways, get some arm warmers, leg warmers and a vest. They'll instantly extend your riding temps quite a bit and allow you to continue using your current clothing.

Anonymous said...

One must not only eat from a propoerly selected diet, but from a wisely chosen schedule as well. Puke, can be liberating though.

Keep cranking, narrow your focus if you need a mental push and remember the devil's pitchfork is chasing you up that next hill.

Darling And So Charming said...

It's only cool here in Austin- like leave the windows open cool- finally.
We have some great trails here in hill country and around Town Lake. Ahhh. So like if you ever visit you'd have fun riding here. They have a great place to rent all kinds of bikes too for that:)

Get that stuff - what is it- made with thinsulate. Good to cool off & wicks moisture but works for most athletes. I used to wear it when I run long distances.

Kim said...

woolie boolie socks, light or mid-weight gloves, and something to cover my ears til I warm up...
nothing fancy...I get cranky if I have too many layers on...this time of year, it's still shorts & shortsleeve jersey w/ arm warmers...I'll have a whole different recipe in another month or so.
Come gets a little scientific :)
I HEART cold weather rides!

megA said...

damn you and your strength to weight ratio hill climbing ASS.

rockit on the ups and the downs baby.

wool is good, so is a windfront jacket and/or undershirt. I like the undershirt.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're out and having fun again. As for the cold-weather gear, not a clue. I'm a runner that hates to be hot, so I'm out wearing shorts with a fleece top, just cos it somehow (not really) balances out.

samantha said...

It is kind of funny... I really like going up hills too. I can hold my own up a hill. It feels so accomplished when you get to the top. There is a goal. It is kind of like climbing.
It is the down hills I don't like. Kind of like climbing. More people die on the way down than on the way up. Ascent is optional decent is required.

When do you want to come to the city to get the pots and pans?

Suki said...

I <3 going down, as well.

ummm...I...umm...I meant on a bike. errr...I...umm...meant RIDING...Ummmm...I mean....oh, fuck it!

group sex?