Friday, October 19, 2007

I feel fucking fabulous.

I'm tired as hell.
I'm working two underpaid and under-appreciated jobs.
I'm broke.
My face is full of zits (why the hell IS that???).
My booty is too big...

yet I feel fucking fabulous.

for the first time in a gazillion years I feel productive. I'm teaching future muggers and car-jackers (just a guess) during the day and acting as a parenting counselor to homeless women at night.

in other words...I'm running around like a ree, constantly covered in boogers...and finally...
finally...feeling like I'm making a contribution. (not to mention feeling like I can own a checkbook again. yay. I'm (re) grown up)
the teaching is frustrating, tiring, all but charity work...and is absolutely by far THE single most rewarding thing I've ever done (outside of squeezing out a pup 12 years ago).
I figured it out. I'm good at it. I have ZERO intention of pursuing it as a career, (Hi. Welcome to burnout. Here's your Bloody Mary)...

but for now... it doesn't suck.

I'm dragging my over-tired, sleep deprived ass out of bed every morning feeling competent, self-assured and totally hot (at least the 5th grade boys think so).

two teachers last week even inadvertently complimented me.

teacher one: she looks artsy.
teacher two: well, she sure is a snazzy dresser, isn't she?

ha! those two statements alone earned me 43 points. the kids tell me they love my shoes/hair/shirt/bag (a quarter at goodwill), or that I'm "ill cool" or "mad chill" all the time...

but when a fellow teacher calls me artsy...

I know I'm home.

speaking of home...I'm never there. so if you wanna catch up with me, I'll be the harried looking one with pigtails and a headscarf running down the street with a large mug of tea in my hand.

ps. while sam schooled me in the ways of safe blogging, and told me NEVER to tell where I'm GOING to be...only where I've been...

for those of you who are interested...I'm super excited to say I'll be at the:

race tomorrow.

the one on the:


trying to be cool enough to hang out with some of these guys:


samantha said...

ha! yet, I wrote exactly where I'll be on my lj. I guess I figured I'd be safe with my sir master baker elk with me.

I'll be the chick selling the pretzels and raffle tickets tomorrow. I'll be your friend if you buy one (you could win CASH!)

Anonymous said...

Hey girly!
Miss you much! We need to plan a date sometime. Unfortunately, right now, it won't be a climbing or biking date. Damn surgery and all. But maybe dinner/lunch with yall.
Can't believe you're working.... let alone at two places. I'm proud of you. Always have been.

Suds said...

I hear what you say about being tired... our 10 month old has taken to waking up several times through the night, my 10 year old has started hockey, my 10 and 8 year olds wanted to join cubs so I became a cub leader since I don't trust anyone else to take my kids camping, I'm teaching my 8 year old how to play guitar, my 10 year old how to play bass, my 4 year old likes to hang out with me and play lego star wars, my wife started teaching music again so I need to be the parent for those times as well as her prep time, I have a volunteer position that I like to take part in at least twice a month, I join a rock band... oh yeah, I also have my job that requires me to show up and do stuff in order to keep those deposits going into my bank account.

The only thing lacking right now is a little "hang out" time with my buddy Jim. I'll get to that soon though.

But like you, I feel effin' great despite being constantly on the go. I'm high on life and it's awesome!

Keep on truckin' Suki!

forty f15teen said...

i never got to grab your ass back. goddamn double standard.

Kim said...

awww shucks, I missed ya at granogue :(

megA said...

RR--I grabbed her ass

it was fantastic

you missed out.



and, i'll try to check in on ya more suki. . .