Monday, January 14, 2008

hurts so good.

had a nice active weekend.


thank god.

went out for a sissy baby ride on saturday about 40 minutes before sunset. I hadn't been on my bike in months, the leaves were wet, the roots were hidden, my bike felt alien to me and I was scared senseless. I took a little spill over some miniscule hidden roots and managed to tweak my right knee for the 18th time in two weeks.

and yeah...the pain felt good.

take that, old man winter (aka FUCKER)...teh suki's still alive.

after our waaaaaaaaay too brief jaunt in the woods on our bee-sickles we headed to the rock gym for some punishment. we did some leads, ran some laps and then strapped on 20lbs of training weight to finish the night off.

and yeah...the pain felt good.

sunday morning was the usual three hour decision making process as to what we SHOULD do (it was unanimous...someone needs to clean the toilet) versus what we actually WOULD do.

the toilet remains disgusting as we headed to the rock gym, again. it was ALMOST nice enough to venture out to a crag, but we snuggled two hours too long and blew that possibility.

's cool, though. after my scary year of health and injury encounters, I find myself strangely content safely within the limits of the envelope. ie. I'm in no hurry to take another lead-fall (get food poisoning/get pneumonia/have another bout of blood butt) anytime soon.

I've lost my nerve and I'm cool with that (for now).

training in the gym sounds juuuust fine to me.

while the toilet is still repugnant, we did manage to round out the weekend with some much needed grocery shopping, a hot bath a deux (harder than it sounds. oqui's a tall man and we've got a tiny tub), and we washed three of the eight remaining spoons.

one of the best weekends I've had in a while. and just in time...

the winter blahs were beginning to border on out-right depression and I've become entirely too cozy in my sweats and my bed. I had such a rough year. I lost so much confidence in my body's ability to regulate and heal. I've let myself get out of mental and physical shape...and did so without even caring enough to feel guilty.

I went from ballz out over-training lunatic to lazy, lethargic and over-cautious.

finding balance, apparently...

is much harder than I thought.

but weekends like this last one are a good place to start.


Anonymous said...

Balance is the key in all endeavors. Fantastic weekends like that are a great offset to the daily grind and dreary half-lit winter days in which we are currently entangled. Advantages to counter the grey matter that is January are to be found in the little things as well. Slivers of morning light peaking through window blinds, iluminating silhouettes of slumbering partners gives me the energy and resolve to make the most of my day, while future plans both short and long term help me regain focus.

Ride for fun, climb for focus, love for life. There's good news Dearest Suki and that hurts the best.

Kim said...

balance schmalance.

Suki said...

it would seem my muskles forgot I was supposed to be a climber.

it doesn't hurt so good any more...

now it just hurts.

Kevin said...

I caught a one liner yesterday from Joel Olsteen the televangelist. "Are you enjoying life, or are you enduring it"? I love it.

Here's to enjoying a nice weekend, Cheers!


Liz Schleeper said...

Sound like a new beginning. I am coming in late, I guess, bc I did not know about your injury (fall?). Sure sounds sexier than getting an infection from bacteria while scrubbing the toilet! Way to get back to it.