Tuesday, January 8, 2008

pasty white in PA seeking real job

I realized two things while gnoshing some hardcore Hershey's.

1. I'm white as a mofo. It's time to get a lil Orange County and seek UV rays.

say HELLO to my raccoon tan.

2. I should get a "real" job. If I were a regular ol' vanilla variety teacher...certified, with a classroom and BENEFITS...I'd probably want to murder myself...but at least I'd have insurance and a union rep when the attempt failed and I wound up in "the ward."

but...I'm not. my degree in developmental psych (read: arts and crafts college) stopped JUST shy of ensuring future employability and most of my "real" jobitude was in...

believe it or not...

financial systems software design.


the pay was swell and I vaguely remember being able to see a doctor, but life was suck-o-rific 40+ hours a week (50 counting commutes) and I wanted to stick a pencil in my thigh on a fairly regular basis.

now...I sub. the pay, as I'm sure you've read here before, absolutely sucks donkey ass...

but I get to move around during the day, from day to day and don't get too terribly bored.

I can act retarded (and I do...ooooh, I do). I stand on desks, flail about, do the cabbage patch (jealous yet?) and pick on kids who have gas and their flies down (some...have both). I'm a good teacher. I'd venture to say that I'm better than good, even...

but I don't have the burden of doing this every. single. day. like "regular" teachers do. I can walk out on assignments, tell kids I know where they live and am going to get "my people" on them, piss in the water fountain and occassionally grope myself in class and STILL have a job the next day.

regular teachers...not so lucky. they're accountable for their students' performance, responsible for their own actions (blecht) and have to answer to their administrators. not so sure I could do it.

the very first time someone told me not to jump on desks I'd probably grunt and fling poo at them.

that being said, however, if I were already certified (what WAS I thinking going pre-med in college, anyway???) I'd probably give it a whirl and take a class.

but at this stage of the game, if I were to spend two years getting a masters and a certificate...I'd be done with the whole teaching thing before I ever got a legit paycheck.

le sigh.

so its an ap in to nursing school (pre-med not TOTALLY wasted, I guess). discounting that whole lil getting kicked out of med school incident a few years back, I think I'm a good candidate and if all goes well will be wearing a gay ass white uniform and kissing doctor ass come fall.

I'm sure I'll hate the work. I hate all work, but the money will be better and after a few years I can go on to become a nurse mid-wife (I hearted ob/gyn rotations) or a nurse anesthestist (they make 120k a year. can I get a woot?).

I know its a responsible move (like not getting knocked up JUST yet)but honestly...

I can't imagine a real job...

without children there.


Anonymous said...

Then get your hands outta your pants and work your ass off to get a nursing job that involves children.

I deleted much of what I was writing to avoid poo flung in my general direction.

Anonymous said...

Also, today's blog is F-bomb deficient. Consider editing to add pieces of F-lair.

Anonymous said...

hey girl! I can't see you working 12 to 14 hour days, shitty shifts and stuff like that. I don't want to burst your bubble, but both Reading Hospital and RACC have waiting lists for their nursing programs. And to be a nurse anesthetist, it's an additional 2 years of school after you become a nurse... I know one of those...
You don't have ADD? heehee.
Best of luck! I would love to go back to school. Someday I guess...
Love ya

Liz Schleeper said...

Nope, don't consider an edit. I promise you that whoever shuddup is he has no clue how to compose a post even a fraction as brilliant. IMHO, this guy who has the same type of humor and talents as you went into banking and LOVES it.

Anonymous said...

Banking, I'm sure, has its benefits. However,for the F-ing record, my brilliance and Forte resides strictly within the composition of Pulitzer Prize worthy blog comments. But I digress and resolve to accept Suki's attempt at wordsmithing her blogs for an all ages audience. But I will continue to long for the days of glory when nothing was barred from her posts...reference "an ode to noogie" or "Dear Anonymous", for a prime example of Sukidom of yesteryear.

Sincerely, Shuddup.

Anonymous said...

Wassa? You are incapable of holding any 'real' job and even if you could you don't have what it takes to obtain the skills to get one and it would take forever at that. Stick to being inferior...

Love ya!