Wednesday, January 9, 2008

lock down and evacuation

the middle of abso-fucking-lutely nowhere is sounding might nice just about now.

who's with me?

today yet ANOTHER (as my cousin put it) "whoever in a trench coat" brought a duffel bag of explosives (he hoped) and knives into a school.

he stabbed three girls (all ok. released from the hospital) and tried to blow the joint up...but instead, blew the attempt.

he held the principal at bay with a propane torch...til a teacher knocked it out of his hand and gave him a whooping. they sent the kids home, evacuated the area and sent a general (yet lightly salted) panic through the district...

and neighboring ones, as well.

around noon today the principal of my school da jour, rather calmly, made an announcement that all teachers who did not have students should come to the office immediately. my ears perked and I told the group of thugs I was attempting to edumacate about Handel that it sounded alot like a lock down to me.

we escaped lockdown...but DID have a fire alarm (can I have a side order or retard with my loser?).

gaaagh. this is just becoming entirely too fucking annoying.

like seriously.

last month a bomb threat was intercepted at my daughter's uber white bread suburban school initiating a lockdown/search/seizure there.

what is wrong with this crop of fucktards and douchebags? wait. no need to answer that...I already know. knowing, however, does nothing to eliminate my ever burning desire to put a foot in their lazy, spoiled, entitled, emo-loser asses.

quit yer fucking whining and get a goddamn hobby, you sissy baby chickens.

yes. the 11th grade girls picked on you and said you have a small cock (the apparent reason today's wanna-be psycho flipped his shit).

you have a small cock.

deal, asshole. how bout instead of going all columbine (like we haven't suffered enough of THAT already) you man up, wash your hair, grow a personality and do what every other small winkied man out there does...

make a ton of money and over-compensate.

for fucks sake, though...

PLEEEEASE leave the torch out of it, cockass.

its punks like you that give propane (and wanna-be terrorists) a bad name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a small winkied man myself. I suggest learning the 'motion of the ocean' technique.

Propane and psychotic behaviours aren't gonna get you me. Try daily tongue exercises or read about how to give the clitoral kiss, rather than how to build a propane weapon.

To the rest of you emo-trench coat wannabees... fuck off, you're killing my buzz...back to banking.