Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the problem with pitbulls

its obvious I'm in charge here...

(besides the media misrepresentation, mistreatment, poor breeding and tens of thousands killed in shelters monthly...I'm a huge pitbull advocate and was in rescue, but that's not nearly as much fun to talk about as picking on my own ree's)

is that they are perpetual cuddlers. my two 65-70lb mutts seem to think that momma's lap is the bestest place in the whole wide world to sit.

for this...I blame my husband.

I finally caught on to my lil' bitch cookie's scheme. dogs aren't allowed in bed with me. they're hot. they're bedhogs and they lick each other's junk all night. it would appear, however, that miss cookie has been sneaking her lil arse into bed on the non-hub home nights after I fall asleep.

she's doing so in a super sneaky fashion, as well. instead of being alpha alpha bo balpha like she usually tries to pull (by putting her ass on my head)...she sneaks ever so slyly onto the very tippy tippy most corner of the bed and lies there silent. still. SNEAKY!

are dogs capable of deception? or has she just somehow been conditioned to know that if:

-poppa isn't home
-she waits until I'm having a (moist) dream
-she lies perfectly still
-doesn't touch me...

she gets to stay.

she's even learned to jump down in the morning before the HUSBAND comes home...but doesn't bother to move when the KID comes in.

she's either very very smart (doubtful. cookie's what we call "special")...or I sleep like a log.

either way...I'm taking suggestions for something devious.

this heffa must pay!!!


Keith said...

Hiya! You don't know me (I'm Keith. *extends hand* ), but I wanted to tell you that your blog is fookin' (fiddlestickin'?) hilarious! I wandered across it by hitting the "Next Blog" button about half-a-bazillion times (lots of Spanish language blogs. Guess I shoulda kept mi espanol up after high school. Who knew...?) and stopped at yours when I saw the Ben Foldsian title. If'n ya don't mind, I just might lurk in here every now and then for shits-n-giggles. Feel free to come over to mine and do the same... Peace!

Frank Brigandi said...

Yuor PB is probablly taking a shift at watching out for you, since your Hubster is away for a few hours.. dogs seem to take on alot of responsibility as an act of love. And her sneaky-ness is a form of courtesy, she doesn;t want to wake you because she loves you dearly.... and dogs feel safer in packs, it's a genetic thing.
Or, maybe she is on the bed because she feels vulnerable and safer at your side, and exits the bed after said hubster comes home because she is relaxed again due to his alpha status..

Suki said...

keith, welcome!

frank...good ideas, both.

Keith said...

Thanks, Suki! I figgered you'd written me off as a cyberstalker by now... ;-)