Wednesday, April 2, 2008

cock sucking ass eating e-bay bitches!!!!

I keep getting outbid.


I'm bidding on about 43,000 lots of maternity clothes...and have yet to win ONE.


I hope they get yeast infections.

in other news:

I'm obviously feeling better. (ha!) actually...I am. yesterday I did a whole slew of things I haven't done in a while.

-took a bath
-cooked a meal
-cleaned my disgusting kitchen
-rode my bicycle
-climbed (a little)
-brushed my teeth
-craved a carrot

more important than any single item on this that I did them one day.

I'm still uber scared to even think of going back to work. my job sucks. its stressful and demanding...and the thought of it makes me nauseous beyond belief....

BUT...we're already risking not being able to pay the mortgage next I'm gonna have to suck it up sometime...

sometime soon.

god. just the thought of going back makes me seriously want to cry.

...and puke.


Darling And So Charming said...

Ebay = a big FAIL.
I have no patience at all. I let Brian finish bidding on a laptop I was SCREAMING at the screen. Like blood vessels popping out of the temples screaming (pre baby) and I was not having it. I was cursing the fat motherfuckers who were sitting in their mother's wood paneled basements with nothing to do but jump to out bid other people. I was convinced that it was a conspiracy. Decided to pay full price on some stuff just to avoid the tidal wave of rage it causes. I might have issues, I'm not sure though.

Suki said...

I hear ya, sista.

I got sick of checking back every three minutes and decided instead to find the sale section on old

so I've got ten or so items on the way.

gift wrapped.

(it was 3 bucks. how could I NOT have them gift wrapped???)

Kim said...
(they are cute, too)

Darling And So Charming said...

OH! So cute. A lil pressie to yourself. Old Navy saved my butt. I didn;t want to waste money on maternity clothes- I commented on that on the other post before seeing this.

Oh noes. I have to go. The little mister is next to me on the couch and is grunting and turning red- that's what he does when he poops. I love it! A built in warning.

GET READY for it haha.
And I feel a boy, I do. I don;t know why.

Wheeeeeeeeeeee (plugging nose now)