Friday, April 25, 2008

oh yeah...

and I still hate meat, am eating too much soy (linked to birth defects. that's gotta stop), and can pee on command (particularly since I have to pee all the time).

I took 1 (one) prenatal vit...and vetoed that plan again for a while. they suck.

but most importantly of all...

my mother is taking the kid for the weekend and teaching her to cook. this on the heels of my mom's internet research on the effects of soy...and my continued insistence that I can NOT touch meat to cook it.

she's sending her home with casseroles. lots of them.

I absolutely flipped my lid earlier this week when both the kid and the man were too busy to help me cook. so there I was, touching ground beef (blecht) and fuming like a lunatic.

I made a gorgeous fresh meal and took a plate out back by myself to eat without a word to either of them.

when they joined me...I left. then I took the dogs out for a nice long walk (also without a word to either of them) and finally calmed down.

they concluded while I was gone that I was very upset (no shit), needed more help from them, and would probably calm down later.

right on all counts but the last.

if someone doesn't start cooking around here...

they're all going to starve.


Darling And So Charming said...

Oh one more thing (sorry I am writing a book) I remember making dinner and touching raw chicken before remembering it was a no no and went into a freak out my baby would have serious problems. Like Rocky Dennis problems. Brian didn't let me near a
chicken again after that.

Kim said...

let me know when you run out of casseroles...

Oak said...

Now before you all call the culinary cops on me, let me just tell you that I can keep at least two of us alive with my skills. Will they be appetizing for a pregnant woman wielding a butcher's knife at me and the kid? Can't be certain about that...but people have survived on less.

For the record, last night whilst the Sukster was asleep plotting her revenge and figuring out where to dump my body, I was roaming the World Wide Web in search of like minded expectant fathers who share knowledge and give advice to those who are new at experiencing the mood swings and heightened (and seemingly awkward) expectations of a growing hormonal female. I also looked for culinary classes in the area so that I could make one or two actual meals that don't involve one of the two following ingredients; peanut butter or spaghetti o's.

Rest assured that I will not allow the family to the meantime your casseroles are more than welcome in our home...just be mindful of the woman lurking in the shadows with the sharpened Ginsu, she may look friendly one second and then strike without predjudice the next.

Love Ya Honey