Thursday, April 3, 2008

you take the good, you take the bad...

you take them both and there you have...

whatevs. tootie was a twit. but...I'm rolling with it.

after two days of relative activity (we rode and climbed tuesday then hiked the dogs yesterday)...I crashed. I got a pregnancy migraine.

sooooooooo gross.

they SAY you can take tylenol...but I wouldn't. so I did the next best thing and went to sleep. my lord was my head pounding. new (non-pregnancy specific) nausea had its way with me (ginger tea be damned)...and my skull ached.

then VIOLA! it was gone.

a-men. I love that I'm generally feeling better. I still have my moments...but there are periods of near-normalcy between.

we ALMOST went climbing outside today. even made plans to take a friend with...then I hit a wall and had to bail. so the 'pah is out riding and I'm just glad the house is quiet, lest another killer skull ache drops by to visit.

I realize that I'm also developing my own little superstitious routines. I can drink the ginger tea...but only after three crackers and an orgasm.

I can eat yogurt, but only while watching weeds.

whole grain bread is long as its toasted no longer than 48 seconds.

cheese is out. screw that. I wanna poo, again.

almost any food is acceptable if it:

a. is not cooked at home
b. is something I would normally never eat
c. is not consumed within 2 hours of entering or exiting the bedroom

I can only guess what life'll be like once I can eat vegetables, drink milk (or water for that matter), and frolic at will, again.

seriously...what the hell am I going to do with myself when I'm feeling better?

oh, I know.

clean the damn house.

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