Tuesday, May 1, 2007

ooh, yeah.

Due to a bunch of super weird circumstances, today I had the option of taking a first grade class, teaching art, or just going home. I chose to take the class so the other first grade teachers wouldn't have extra kids, the retired art teacher could make the rounds and hang with the other kids, and my husband could actually sleep because I wouldn't be coming home all amped up on my morning cup o' tea.

when my first student walks in, all of six years old, he turns to his homeboy and says "ooh, yeah. we got a cute one today."

grreat. apparently I've got the six to 11 year old male demographic on lock down. they heart the suki.

somebody remind me to buy lots of very conservative button up tops. come to think of it...

dressing like a marm might work wonders with the overly image conscious fat chick who gives me the evil eye every time she sees me. this chick hates me. the same teacher who so pointedly informed me that she is a MISS and NOT a Mrs. one and the same teacher with a french pedicure (seriously. come on.). the same teacher who tans her hide to a rather unappealing shade of orange, sports long fake finger nails and cakes her face with make-up. my very existence seems to disrupt every fiber of her being. simply BEING makes her want to cause me harm.

today I almost said "sup, fatty? you want a piece of me?"...I instead settled on. mmmm...this sure is some mighty fine grouper....but your donut looks good, too.

go for a jog, heffa...and lay off the ho-ho's. aint my fault you're an arm-chair.

in other news, I got my drink on last night, had some great grouper (ok. I just like saying grouper. step off, already) with miss michaela, found a headless bee in my yard (where do you think the head went? are bees cannibalistic, by any chance? I sure hope so. I hate the little fawks), had a take five candy bar, considered painting my toenails for the first time since I began climbing (NOT in a french pedicure, mind you) and got my usual five or six hours of sleep.

tres exciting. I know. you all wish you could be me, just now.

don't all crowd at once...


Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

missed you climbing last night.


Suki said...

not to worry...

I'll be seeing you guys thursday?

feeling stronger, too.

can I get a woot?