Friday, March 7, 2008

I can has bad grammar?

got my TEAS scores.

99th percentile for the program.
95th nationally.

(I'm totally wondering how the chic next to me with the quick answers and the big boobs did...)

100% on both chemistry and metric conversions (the two things I biffed on the practice test).
100% on physics.
100% on biology and general science.
100% on punctuation, spelling and contextual words.

I was below the national average on percentage calculations and grammar at 66.7% and 76.0%, respectively.

I biffed up the easiest math on the test and I has bad grammar.


the applications go to the committee...soon. which means I'll know within a week whether or not I got in.

now, I have to decide...

am I really going to nursing school?
can we afford to live on one income?
will I stab somebody in the throat...intentionally?

too many options makes a suki sleepy. (see? with the grammar...)

ps. anybody wanna buy my house?

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