Thursday, March 6, 2008

return o' da fat bitch

if any of you the end of last school year I was having trouble with a fakey tanned, acrylic nailed sasquatch teacher.

the bitch made a re-appearance yesterday (hence my "THIS SCHOOL IS FULL OF CUNTS" entry).

I hate her. I completely forget her existance for months and months and months on end...then I go back to that school, wind up in her negative, condescending and bitter presence and instantly remember:

I fucking hate this chick.

everytime she oozes something nasty in my direction I want to kill her.

she's big, though.

tough, too, apparently.

I'm tiny, a wee bit scrappy...

but this monster plays ice hockey.

still...if she gives me one more nasty look or shoots off another caustic comment...

I'm gonna throw a chair at her enormous ass.

...then run like hell.


Oak said...

You'll need a stick. I have one.
slash through the ankles, if she has heels you can utilize the 'trip'. A minor penalty of just 2 minutes, but effective as a means to startle and drop your opponent.

Remember to pull the sweater over her head and then reign down on the back of her skull (base of neck) with a series of quick jabs.

Remember that fights are usually broken up quickly (watch Dazed and Confused for proof), so by the time she regains herself and tries to retaliate it'll most likely be over...

Suki=teh win!

Plus even if she does clock you one back, I've got a thing for chicks with missing teeth. Num-num...

samantha said...

I just put a hex on her for you. She won't be a problem for you much longer.

Yeah, that's right... that's how I roll, and no one mess with me because I eliminate them if they do.

Suki said...

dood. I love you.

if she never so much as glances my direction again as long as she lives...

that would make a slightly happier suki.

in their anyone's ass you'd like to have kicked?

I know this fat hockey chica thats supposed to be kinda tough...