Friday, March 7, 2008


I hate my job.

it is so overwhelmingly frustrating. to be honest...I'm not sure how much longer I can take it.

I owe them 34.5 (yes. I counted down to the HALF fucking day) more days this school year. there are 58 remaining.

if I work three days every week I will JUST make it.

I created a pull off, count down calendar today.

32...getting closer.
18...fuck you. I'm almost outtie.

fuck it. I think I'll stop just shy of fulfilling my contract and let them send me a fucking bill.

it'll be worth the pleasure of spending the very first day following my "I'm outta here. Suck my labia" send off driving around the city giving each building the finger...

then never. going. back.

once I'm done "teaching" in this fucked up, twisted shithole...nothing short of a gun to my head will get me back in that fucking city.

the school administration has wiped its hands of the matter and is effectively dooming this city.

in 10 or 15 years the fucking retards, mongloids, rejects, criminals and losers I fight with on a daily basis are going to have FAMILIES...and be adult members of this community.

no thank you. these cock-smokers can't be held accountable for covering their asses (I'm not making that up. they walk around with their asses hanging out)...

let alone keeping a job and, oh-I don't know, BEING PRODUCTIVE FUCKING MEMBERS OF SOCIETY.

this place is doomed and I blame every over-paid, lazy, piece of shit administrator who doesn't hold these fucking hoodlums accountable for their actions, now.

way to go, assfaces. you pretty much guarantee with the close of another school year an increase in child abuse, violent crime and unemployment.

burn in hell, you mercedes driving cuntoxes.

I tried.

in about 27 or so days...

I'm fucking outta here.


Jerry said...

Well put!


Darling And So Charming said...

So I have this image of you working amongst people who are like the ones in the movie 'Idiocracy'. Rent it. I swear we're heading towards that direction. Oy and good riddance to them. Let's hope you can start school soon.