Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I made it...

through both my day at the highschool from hell (ghetto. so motherfucking ghetto) and my "commute" home.

it involved 2 buses, one terminal, a mile or so of walking and an hour and 20 minutes...

mostly because i got uber car sick and had to bail at a stop light...

then walk home in the pouring rain.

I love you, Marmot rain jacket.

we then picked up the Volvo ($700. I hate you, mechanic)...and proceeded to drop off the Suby.

I have no idea how I'm getting to/from work again, tomorrow.

...and I'm still nauseous.

HOWEVZ...I live. nobody smacked a suki...and I was only told to shut the fuck up (by a kid on juvy probation) once.

a decent day (<-------My! How my standards have slipped)


Oak said...

Toughen up! Put some things into perspective and realize how much worse it could be. This is part pep talk and part STFU. Think about the kids in the school that don't have a Marmot rain jacket, the ones with 'families' without a car. The ones that couldn't afford $700.00 on anything, let alone a Volvo repair.

You posted some time ago with a similar self imposed pep talk, realizing that we live in a nice area, the kid goes to a nice school and we have a lot to be thankful for...Now, that does not mean that you cannot be a whiney lil bitch from time to time...but it does mean that you need to focus on the positive elements in life for the time being.

Negativity has a way of growing exponentially if you let the seed germinate. It's contagious. But so is positive energy, think of the plans short term and long and re-realize that there is some hard work and sacrifice necessary...but it's worth it, I know that.

Keep on Rockin' the 'burbs!

Suki said...

^ your momma.